Hi world!

This is SITE 420, also known as THE SCORCHED SEA.

This site is simply one of whim and what lies here depend on the mood of the day. This site does not have a niche in particular yet.

Use the tags to navigate around, or check out the archive for a list of all entries. The site is organized in a way that kind of makes sense at the time but suggestions are always welcome for how to make it better.

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If you have any questions or remarks, please initiate contact via email.

Icarus fell because he flew on borrowed wings.
He had not earned the knowledge or respect for their power,
and in his hubris, he soared too close to the sun.

You cannot yield. You cannot waver. You cannot falter.

Where Terra's rage through fevered stage, doth melt her icy diadem.
Her ancient ice to tears enticed, as nations drown in sorrow's stream,
Ablaze she lies beneath the skies, life's cradle seethes in a fever dream.

Cataclysmic tides rise, engulfing shores once thought secure,
In nature's fury, we discern our folly's cost, so premature.
As El Niño's breath ignites the globe with fiery, fatal hand,

Our leaders prate, yet hesitate, their promises as ash and sand.
Relentless waves of heat engrave Earth's epitaph upon the land,
And in this wrath, my scorn unfurled for those who watch, yet idle stand.

Did I stutter?
Vesper 'Joey Wheeler'