becoming comfortable with mistakes

Dear friend,

It's been a long time since you played osu!, specifically osu!mania. You're procrastinating right now with your studies because you're afraid of not matching up to your own expectations. You're afraid of making mistakes.

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recording a timelapse for motivation

Dear friend,

You are thinking that, in order to motivate yourself into actually studying meaningfully at an accelerated pace, you should try recording yourself go through the motions of studying. You simply cannot resist coding up some Python scripts here and there...

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losing your sense of time

Dear friend,

1 Pomodoro, 2 Pomodoro, 3 🍅, 4 🍅, a short break, 5 🍅, 6 🍅, have lunch, procrastinate for 2 hours, 7 🍅, ..., and 11 🍅. And it's already time to sleep! Why is the day so short?

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doing new things is hard

Dear friend,

Today, you woke up at 04:30 and exercised for a bit for the first time since a long time ago. You have always postponed exercising because you're too shy to do it in front of others. It's always so daunting when other people are watching.

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